Ivy Tech Awarded Veterans Grant

By Reed Parker, Writer/Reporter | October 30, 2019

INDIANAPOLIS – Ivy Tech Community College is one of two recipients of grants to support a program aimed at helping veterans. Ivy Tech received $1.5 million for the Veterans Accelerated Learning for Licensed Occupations (VALLO) project. Ivy Tech was one of two schools awarded under the program, which is fully funded by the U.S. Department of Labor. 

The grant will allow Ivy Tech to partner with the Indiana Professional Licensing Agency, Conexus Indiana, Techpoint, and others to help speed up the process for transitioning veterans into licensed work. Ivy Tech will administer collaboration between each partner to find gaps between military training and civilian jobs, develop education pathways, create training programs and develop a multi-state system to transfer credentials. 

“The funding provided by DOL will allow Ivy Tech and our partners to continue to address the workforce needs in our state,” said Vice President for Advanced Manufacturing, Engineering and Applied Science Sue Smith. “Ivy Tech is committed to providing education and training opportunities to veterans and transitioning service members to not only aid their efforts in joining the civilian workforce, but also to meet the employer demand for a skilled workforce.”

More information about the grants can be found here. 

Source: http://www.insideindianabusiness.com/story/41249207/ivy-tech-awarded-veterans-grant

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