
The Pfeil Innovation Center in South Bend, Indiana is helping for-profit and non-profit organizations develop Innovation as a core competency.  Named in honor of Indiana entrepreneur, innovation pioneer and visionary businessman Richard J. Pfeil, the Center opened March 2011.  To date, more than 1,000+ enthusiastic thinkers from over 100 future-minded organizations are inspired to innovate daily after attending one of the Center’s two-day Innovation Leadership Immersions.

Beacon Health System, Pfeil Innovation Center’s champion of innovation in Northern Indiana and Southern Michigan, believes in

  • innovation as a core value,
  • innovation as a driver of growth and prosperity, and
  • innovation as a teachable trait that can benefit any organization, anywhere.

Leaders, individual disruptors of mediocrity, and dedicated teams are invited to join the innovation in-crowd and register today for an upcoming Innovation Leadership Immersion session, click here for the details,

Upcoming CLASSES