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Doing Business
Elkhart County Industry Growth Opportunities
Target Industries
The EDC of Elkhart County, along with an Advisory Task Force made up of local business executives, has identified the following growth industries as imperative to the region’s economic growth, innovation, and global competitiveness.
- Financial and Professional Services
- Electronics
- Agriculture and Food Processing Indiana Agriculture Facts (pdf)
- Basic Robotics/Entry-Level Automation
- Health Care
- Advanced Recycling
Ekhart Area Employment (numbers in thousands)
Academic & Development Assets
The nearby presence of the University of Notre Dame, as well as Purdue University and Goshen College, gives Elkhart County an added advantage in producing a population of educated and forward-thinking innovators for the future of the high technology sector. These educational facilities incorporate several laboratories offering compelling opportunities for collaboration, research and commercialization of intellectual property.
- Business Studies & Entrepreneurship Programs at Goshen College
- Elkhart Area Career Center
- Goodwill Industries of Michiana, Inc.
- Goshen College Accounting Program (Ranked 10th in the nation)
- Horizon Education Alliance (HEA)
- Innovation Park at Notre Dame
- Ivy Tech Community College Advanced Manufacturing Program
- Labs for Industry Futures and Transformation (LIFT)
- Purdue Technical Assistance Program (TAP)
- Purdue University Manufacturing Extension Partnership (MEP)
- Robotics, Health & Communications Lab at Notre Dame
Department of Workforce Development includes:
- AmplifyAE
- Employability Skills
- Indiana High School Equivalency (HSE)
- Jobs for America’s Graduates (JAG)
State of Indiana Resources includes:
Internships, Apprenticeships and Training Programs:
- Indiana Work One
- Employment Aid Readiness Network (EARN) Indiana
- CareerWise Elkhart County
- Manufacturing Advancement Program (MAP)
Email them directly for more information mcntma@outlook.com (email Kelly Kasner) - Indiana office of Work-based Learning and Apprenticeship includes:
- Registered Apprenticeship
- State Earn and Learn (SEAL)
- Adult Education with On the Job Training (OJT)
- Internship and Capstone Courses
- Career and Technical Education (CTE)
- Job Shadowing